Calgary Expatriation

Episode 24

23rd September, 2006

What is a trip to the US without catching a baseball game. Whilst I couldn't get a ticket to a major league game that fitted my schedule, I managed to get some great seats watching the Washington Nationals. For the record, they defeated Milwaukee Brewers 8-5.

Above: Hitting out.

Below: Bases loaded and running for home!

Above: Back in Calgary, the Elbow River meets Elbow Falls on its journey towards the city.

Below: The Elbow River, upstream from Elbow Falls, with snowcapped peaks of Kananaskis Country in the background.

Above: It's amazing how the first snow fall on the peaks can transform the scenery. This is Upper Kananaskis Lake in Autumn.

Below: The Rocky Mountains set a splendid backdrop for the city of Calgary, all the more impressive when you realise that they are an hours drive from this suburban neighbourhood.

Above: Another photogenic mountain backdrop to the city.

Below: And one more just to top it off. This time with part of the CBD.

Above and below: The stunningly beautiful Morraine Lake.

Above: Mt Rundle (near Banff) with a light dusting of the first snow in Autumn.